September 2024- ‘Working 9 to 5?’

What a way to make a living. Working life has moved on a lot since Dolly Parton first released her catchy & timeless 1980 hit. Indeed, fast forward a few generations and it would appear that flexibility has trumped security as the key thing that Gen Z’ers are prioritising when it comes to employment. 1

Have you noticed that recruitment firms are now fronting their adverts with their ability to perfectly match people to a job that fits with their lifestyle? Have you read about the companies experimenting with a 4 day week complete with flexible start and finish times, a nine-day fortnight, and compressed hours? 2 The desire for flexibility with our employment, it would seem, is here to stay.

Have we perceived the gospel opportunities?

I recently heard a story about a couple whose ability to work remotely had allowed them to relocate to

Dubai to live the life they had always dreamed of. Now most of us I imagine won’t be get that kind of

chance. However, I can imagine the scenario whereby we daydream about a move to a bigger house

complete with better schools and a slower pace of life. Now wouldn’t that be nice?

However, what if we viewed our newfound flexibility through gospel lenses. There are wonderful gospel

opportunities that accompany the loosening geographical ties and fixed hours to our employment like

generations before us once knew.

I’ve been reflecting on the flexibility that Paul’s tent-making trade, a trade through which the Lord sovereignly introduced him to his dear travelling gospel companions Priscilla & Aquilla, afforded him. We first read about it in relation to his time in Thessalonica 3 and later in Corinth. 4 Such flexibility allowed him to provide for himself financially so that he could preach Christ free of charge as he sought to distance himself from the religious peddlers of his day. And such flexibility allowed him to move around in order capitalise on ‘effective doors’ 5 for ministry.

So where could the flexibility in our employment intersect with the effective doors for gospel work that are opening up in front of us?

Have we considered the gospel possibilities?

Perhaps you are at the stage of life where you are choosing a career path. As you navigate your next step, one that you can do well for the glory of God, where does the local church and opportunities for gospel growth factor into your thinking? If your job will allow you the possibility of relocating, have you considered moving somewhere where there is a local church in need of strengthening or a church plant team that could do with support? Could the flexibility with your hours present a window of opportunity for you to do some further study with the plethora of online and in-person learning options that exist today?

So next time we tumble out of bed and stumble to the kitchen let’s be sure and pour ourselves a cup of gospel ambition.


1 Twenge, J, Generations, p.465.

2 Staff allowed to choose working hours in new trial, Article on BBC News Website


3 Thessalonians 4:11-12

4 Acts 18:3

5 1 Corinthians 16:9


October 2024- Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot?


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