Advent Devotional Series 2024

Starting Thursday 12th December, we’ll be bringing you daily devotions, written by congregation members, that help us to reflect on the real meaning of Christmas.

This upcoming devotional series is designed to help us all focus on the real meaning of Christmas and ponder who Jesus really is. Jesus is much more than a baby who we celebrate once a year. In the Bible we get some wonderful descriptions of who He is and what He has done for His people.

In these devotionals you’ll find short reflections written on verses, mostly from the Old Testament, that point to the hope and salvation that is all fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. These reflections have been written by congregation members, some elders and some staff members of Bruntsfield Evangelical Church.

The idea is that we will have the opportunity, as a whole church family, to consider the birth of Jesus together, to be encouraged to ponder His majesty as we gather to celebrate the wonderful joy that Christmas is.

Use this devotional as a prompt to help you eagerly await Christmas Day. You can read it alone, with friends or with family. Our prayer is that this would be a helpful resource to help you think about Jesus more this Christmas.

If you have any questions about this, please email


Jesus: The fulfilment of promises